OUR Services
What We Do
We will take good care of your car and treat you to a drink. Due to our amazing location, you can rest on the sitting area by the shop without feeling distracted.
What We Do
We will take good care of your car and treat you to a drink. Due to our amazing location, you can rest on the sitting area by the shop without feeling distracted.

1. Motor Oil Change (cars and motorcycles)
2. Transmission Oil Change (ATF,CVT)
3. Engine Filter Change
Our motor oils come in many varieties: Gasoline, Synthetic and Diesel. We offer transmission oils that will fit the needs of any car. In addition, we have high quality engine filters that will last you long.

4. Windshield Washing Liquids
5. Hydraulic Fluids Change
6. Coolant Fluids
We offer Brake Fluids, Power Steering Fluids, AntiFreeze Coolants and Windshield Washing Liquids that are designed to enhance the performance of your car.

7. Grease Lubrication
8. Flush Fluids
9. Expert Advice
We offer a wide variety of grease oils intended to excellently lubricate parts of your car that can't be lubricated by ordinary lubricants otherwise. Our flush fluids will entirely clean your vehicle's engine. In addition, our team members will check and correct the tire pressure on all your tires and provide a tire rotation to ensure your tires last much longer.

10. Tire Pressure Check (Bonus)
11. Tire Rotation
In addition, our team members will check and correct the tire pressure on all your tires and provide a tire rotation to ensure your tires last much longer. Our team members will provide you with their best tips&tricks on keeping your car up and running well.
For more information about MITASU OIL click here
For more information about MITASU OIL